Thanks to the generosity of Bill and Nanno Rose, two people who truly believe in all that the arts provide, we have a chance to secure the future of the Copper Country Community Arts Center and the important programs it provides to our area. The Roses have pledged up to $10,000 in matching funds to donations made to the CCCAC through June 30.
As a teacher who spent 40 years working with students of all ages, I know how important art education is to creative and intellectual growth. The visual and performing arts create new pathways in the developing brain, enhancing creative problem-solving skills and strengthening academic skills. The research is undisputable. And yet, those programs are often the first to be cut when budgets are reduced. Thankfully, our local schools continue to value these programs. The CAC enhances what the schools can do by providing classes and summer camps for our youth, by welcoming school groups to tour the Arts Center and learn about different media and artists, and by providing what is often the first public place a young artist’s work is displayed. I know many of my art students had never been inside a gallery until they had a piece on exhibit in the Youth Gallery. Imagine how thrilling it is to have someone offer to buy that piece! And how gratifying it has been to have students visit and see how much their horizons broaden when they are exposed to the wonderful variety of art we have here, whether in the Kerredge Gallery or the Artists Market. Please help us continue to provide a place where the arts and people of all ages grow together by using the envelope included in this newsletter to make a donation today. We are a member-funded organization, so we’re depending on you. I thank you in advance for your support! ~Kris Raisanen Schourek, CCCAC Board Secretary |
CCCACJust a little info about the going ons at the Arts Center. Archives
July 2014
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