2022-2023 MINIGRANTS
Minigrants are available for arts projects, professional development for artists and arts organizations, and arts support to schools. The Copper Country Community Arts Council (CCCAC) is the administrator for the Regional Regranting program of the Michigan Arts and Culture Council (MACC). The CCCAC facilitates funding opportunities for arts projects in the six counties of the Western Upper Peninsula; Baraga, Gogebic, Houghton, Iron, Keweenaw, and Ontonagon.
Current 2022-2023 Opportunities
Grants for Arts Projects and Professional Development The Michigan Arts and Culture Council Regional Regranting applications are now open. THE DEADLINE for ROUND 2 Funding is January 15, 2023 for projects taking place March 1, 2023 - September 30, 2023. Guidelines with instructions are available on the MACC website. Scroll down to Minigrant Program. All applications must be submitted online using SmartSimple. Registration is required prior to submitting a grant application. Go to https://macc.smartsimple.com to register. Grant Information Workshops Due to COVID19 in person workshops are suspended until further notice. Individual assistance is available over the phone or by email and there is an online tutorial. For more information or to receive the tutorial contact Cynthia Coté, Regranting Coordinator at [email protected] or call (906) 482-2333. Minigrant Awards for the first round of funding 2022: Arts Projects Downtown Ironwood Development Authority “First Friday Summer Concert Series” $4000; Ontonagon Theatre of Performing Arts “Missoula Children’s Theatre” $2075; Carnegie Museum of the Keweenaw “Music at the Museum” $2575 Professional and Organizational Development Copper Country Suzuki Association $1500; Libby Meyer $1500 Second round of funding 2022: Arts Projects Ewen Trout Creek School “A Day in Clay” $4000 Dan Schmitt Gift of Music “Farm Block Fest 14” $4000 Crystal Theatre “Missoula Children’s Theatre” $4000 Directions Unlimited “Club Create Copper Country” $2700 Eagle Harbor General Store Museum “On the Porch” $2635 Professional and Organizational Development Erika Magers “Natural Fiber Dying” $1500 Bonnie Peterson “Lucid Foundation Residency” $1500 School Grants for Arts, Equipment and Supplies Barkell Elementary School Hancock $1015 Two grant opportunities for K-12 schools have been added to the Regional Regranting Program. Arts & Culture TREK - Bus Grants provide up to $500 for the transportation cost of an arts or culture related field trip. Arts Equipment & Supplies Grants award up to $1,500 to pay for arts equipment (including repairs of arts equipment) or supplies being used within the classroom/school setting. Michigan K-12 teachers in any arts discipline may apply for these grants. Applications will be accepted online on a rolling basis through April 15, 2023 or until all funds are awarded. Activities must take place between October 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. For technical assistance, contact: Cynthia Coté, Regranting Coordinator Copper Country Community Arts Council 126 Quincy Street Hancock, MI 49930 (906)482-2333 [email protected] |
More about the Minigrant program
The Copper Country Community Arts Council (CCCAC) is Region 1A administrator for the Regional Re-granting program of the Michigan Arts and Culture Council (MACC). The CCCAC facilitates funding opportunities for arts projects in the six counties of the Western Upper Peninsula; Houghton, Keweenaw, Baraga, Ontonagon, Gogebic and Iron.
Project Grants provide up to $4,000 for locally developed, high quality arts projects, which provide special opportunities to address local arts needs and increase public access to the arts. Minigrants support a broad range of artistic expression from all cultures through projects, which preserve, produce or present traditional and contemporary arts. Grants are matched 1:1 with cash/in-kind can be used for many types of arts activities such as exhibits, readings, performances, workshops, broadcasts, artist residencies, consultancies, commissions, festivals, pow wows, conferences, seminars, video and film productions and screenings, publications, and arts activities for students. Professional and Organizational Development grants provide funding for training courses, workshops, consultants, conference fees, and related travel. Applicants may apply for up to $1500. A 25% cash/in-kind match is required. Nonprofit organizations, schools, and municipalities from the six counties may apply. A panel comprised of knowledgeable individuals from each of the six counties reads and scores all funding proposals and makes funding recommendations. The review criterion includes artistic merit, sound planning and management, as well as community service. Geographic distribution, underserved populations, cultural diversity, and a range of arts disciplines are considered when determining awards. GUIDELINES with instructions are available on the MACC website. Scroll down to Minigrant Program.